ACATIS GANÉ Value Event Fonds UI fund achieves return of over 100% after six years on market. The ACATIS GANÉ Value Event Fonds UI fund has been on the market for six years and has achieved an increase of 108% since it was set up. Measured against the period of time, this corresponds to an average return of 13% per year. The fund volume amounts to EUR 959 million (as of 31/12/2014). In the process, the asset-management mixed fund showed average volatility of only 7% over the entire term. The value and event strategy of the global mixed fund comes from GANÉ Aktiengesellschaft. With a variable investment ratio in shares, bonds and liquidity, returns similar to that of shares are to be achieved in the long term, with fluctuations low. This approach was awarded the top grades from Morningstar (5 stars), Stiftung Warentest (5 points) and Feri (A). The fund has been Lipper Leader twice (Total Return, Consistent Return) and has won several awards (e.g. Lipper Fund Awards). In November 2014, it received the “Globe d’argent de la Gestion” award in France for its stability in phases of downward trends on stock markets. «Press Release-Download»